Exercises for plucky dogs

This is Meja.
Today she is going to show us some exercises we can do with a human and a very long stick.
First, we warm up with a little tug-o-war.
This strengthens your jaws, neck and back wonderfully!
Then we do a precision exercise; lungeing your human. Make sure to keep her running in a smooth circle and at an even pace.
This is good for balance and legs. Remember not to clench your jaw too tightly, as you may stress your human!
Moving on then to the high jumps, a popular exercise for most dogs!
Excellent exercise for lower back and hind legs. Just get your human to keep the stick high enough; you want to work those muscles well!
And finally…
… don’t forget to stretch!
Well, that’s all from Meja today. And remember: once you’re done, you can always use the stick for a good chew!

(Thanks, of course, to Meja’s human, Maria, who assisted in these exercises…)

A random piece of photo art…

… just to keep my hand in.

I did a serendipitous little photo session with Twiggy the cairn terrier the other day, and in the sun and snow some shots were a bit (…) over exposed. Black and wiry-haired, however, she then made a perfect subject for some quick sketching…


The difference between dogs and cats…

Just click a thumbnail to see a series…




Fototriss 207 – Couples

Not quite my kettle of fish… but as it happened, I spent part of Saturday with someone who has recently adopted a couple of Beauceron dogs. Beautiful, beautiful dogs… 🙂

Hence, allow me to introduce Alizee and Gorm for this week’s Fototriss theme, “Couples”.




And Coolstuff are back this week as sponsors for another competition.

See more couples at

Sunday shots

I was a little sad that last weekend didn’t offer more in the way of brilliant light and crisp winter photo opportunities, but I did a little round with the camera on Sunday anyway. It’s such a drag that the days are still not long enough to allow for daylight photography outside on work days… and no, early mornings are not an option! 😉

Slightly muted winter feelings all around on Sunday…






The dog’s name is Meja and she’s one of my neighbours. The tree sparrows have yet to tell me their names…