New beginnings…

And so it’s been a long time again… My former blog was called “The intermittent blog” – a name I sometimes feel I should have kept… 🙂

But I digress.

I haven’t been idle, I’ve just not found the time for blogging – though some shots have appeared on Facebook, and quite a few perhaps more mundane things have been posted via Instagram  – @hagafotografen – (lovely, fast publishing tool…).

And some ideas, one in particular, has been slowly simmering away in the privacy of my brain – and camera. Now, however, I’ve committed to pursuing it a little more officially, and hence – return to the blogosphere!

Actually, I’m not going to talk all about it. I’m just going to post a couple of shots that represent, in a way, my first efforts in a for me unusually long and long-termed photoart project… And so, the nervous question that at some time or other must enter every budding artist’s public communication… do you like?


Speaking of collages…

I couldn’t find the time to enter this month’s Photo Art Friday, but the theme was collage and I thought that was a good idea… People around me have been asking for shots of the new place, so here’s a collection!

Collage place

And obviously, there has to be one with the happy cat as well!

Collage Lo

Right, that’s it for the family photo album. Back to business… 🙂

For C

This summer, I promised Caritsa’s owner, C, a portrait of her horse. It was a little difficult, because Caritsa was an old horse, a little tired, and not to stay with us for very much longer. I talked a little with C about it, and she said yes, perhaps something that accepted the old and the gray… showing Caritsa as she was, and saw the beauty in that.

Piece of cake… 😛

It took longer than I’d expected, because there was something missing in the shots I ended up with… and it wasn’t until yesterday that I saw a possible way to deal with that.

I hope it’s not too dark for you, C!


A random piece of photo art…

… just to keep my hand in.

I did a serendipitous little photo session with Twiggy the cairn terrier the other day, and in the sun and snow some shots were a bit (…) over exposed. Black and wiry-haired, however, she then made a perfect subject for some quick sketching…


Winter birds

I love bullfinches. And we have quite a bunch of them around here, but we hear them more than we see them. They keep to themselves. But every once in a while – especially in the winter, although it’s not very wintry here yet… – you spot them, a flock sitting in a tree and dropping down to the ground every now and then to pick at delicacies still available. Not unlike bohemian waxwings, actually. A lot more shy, though…


As I stood there, under a neighbouring tree, trying to get closer to the bullfinches, I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye. There was someone who wasn’t very shy at all! A treecreeper was hopping up the trunk of the tree next to me, and if it was quick around the trunk, well, at least I had my camera ready in hand…


Though admittedly, some of the shots were better suited for a little creative editing afterwards… so it’s a good thing I like that, too! 😉



Photo Art Friday – A Word for 2014

I don’t really have a Word for 2014…

What I do have, however, is… an attitude, perhaps, or a kind of focus. I don’t really want to put a word to it. But during the last few days of last year I found a few images that, together with Bonnie’s texture pdpa Dear One, hold all of that which I want 2014 to be…




A very happy new year to you all, and may it be all that you wish for it to be!

Find more guiding ideas and beautiful photo art at


I’ve spent a couple of days photographing running water – it’s kind of classic I guess, but one should do the classics too… Unfortunately, the ‘rapids’ and the ‘falls’ I have to practice on aren’t, really, at least not unless you’re a lilliputian. Not that it matters with regards to the water and the technique (long exposures, and do use a tripod…) but little distractions like rotting leaves and scattered twigs suddenly tend to become major parts of the picture, as opposed to if I had a real waterfall to shoot.

Never mind, for once I began by clearing up a bit first where I wanted to shoot, and then ignored the rest. I set up the tripod – sometimes across the stream with one of its legs on a root and the other two on a rock each (and yes, I did step into the stream once; wet rocks and muddy banks are not an optimal combination for getting a good grip) – and shot water. Lots of fun. Then I trudged back home with one sopping shoe but fortunately still a dry camera, and processed my shots.

I was happy. They came out nice – not brilliant, but nice – and I’d learned a bit about exposures. Pretty pictures of running water, you know, where you get that almost dreamy shimmer to the water thanks to its running trough a static landscape. But then I had the surroundings… Let’s just say they don’t fit the fairytale image. Well, at least not the fairy bit… but there’s usually a dark element to fairytales, as well… right?

So I worked on them a little, adding some textures from the KKC, and ended up with something from a slightly different kind of story…



What I really liked about this was that the hues and textures worked so well to bring all the elemets of the shots together. A little abstract, perhaps, but then again – what fairytale isn’t?